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The Effect Of Marrıage On Emotıon
MAKALE #13640 © Yazan Psk.Derya SOY | Yayın Kasım 2014 | 2,971 Okuyucu

There are many kind of mood in daily life. These emotion affect our responses generally we will. The effect of emotions as well as our daily life, they vary according to different situations. Every individual have different emotional level. They create our daily emotions. It changes depending on everyday life issues or, social relations. People provide information that shapes the activation and interpretation through emotion. I want to address a sense of sadness in my subject. This is because sadness is very common sense of our country. I think it's not something bad. If people do not feel sadness, they wouldn’t win a lots of sense of values. I will not regret the ‘sadness’ in a single context. The overall objective of this research put forward there is a relationship between sadness and culture. So, the aim of the study investigated that the relation between sadness and culture process. The relationship of sadness and culture can be examined together. For that reason, i decided to choose my target group of this research is married women between the ages of 20 and 40. Connecting emotions and research might seem observing the people who are married and sad. At the beginning of this research, I will try to understand ‘what is sadness, how this emotion affected my target group’s daily life, why is important for us, what is the relationship between sadness and marriage life. It is a word which describe our daily position according to the situation received. It is obviously clear that emotional mood is important, while people are married. When people feel sad or depressed their responses militated.

My research including new advances in this marriage and sadness theory development, reviews of existing theory, and analyses of theory and method, as well as integrative and theory based reviews of content areas. There is no survey including the issues of this research and a study with the same subjects. However, we have install the articles connection with our reaearch on these topics. Conflicting results of previous studies have emerged that. First article which is Minnotte, Pedersen & Mannon D. (2010) Vol 47, The emotional terrain of parenting and marriage: Emotion work and marital satisfaction. The study examines how the division of labor surrounding emotion work relates to the marital satisfaction of husbands and wives. The analysis is performed on data from a random sample of couples The analysis is performed on data from a random sample of couples. Results also suggest that the marital satisfaction of husbands is enhanced when they are involved in performing emotion work for children, but if their levels of emotion work for children begin to approach or exceed that of their wives then their marital satisfaction tends to decline. Another study is Ashley K. Randall, Shannon A. Corkery, Duggi D., Kamble S.V., Butler E. A.,’(2011) Differences in emotional synchrony in married couples in the United States and India. Partners in close relationships often experience similar day-to-day emotions. However, little is known about whether emotional synchrony between partners is similar across marriages in different cultural contexts. They assess differences in levels of synchrony using daily diaries from 35 couples from the United States and 89 couples from India. Findings suggest synchrony may not have the same implications for couples’ emotional functioning across marriage types. In my opinion this research is very good research but they only search this issue in United States and Indıa. This study compares the feelings of marriages in different cultures. On the contrary of that, my research comparing their own culture marriage and emotion interaction. Next research does not match my research subject. Their subject is jeaoulsy in marriage. In my opinion, jeaolusy is a big problem in marriage and it causes sadness in marriage more. And this research examine the participants who are under 45 like my research. For that reason ı decided to put down this research. White G.L. (2008) Vol 7, Romantic Jealousy: Therapists' Perceptions of Causes, Consequences, and Treatments. One-hundred and fifty-nine randomly selected members of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy responded to a questionnaire assessing perceptions of prevalence of romantic jealousy as a problem for their own clients in therapy. perceptions of contributing factors, estimated frequencies of emotions and coping behaviors of jealous clients, and open-ended suggestions of useful goals and techniques for psychotherapy of jealousy. Results indicate that jealousy was judged to be the major or a major presenting problem in about one-third of all clients who seek psychotherapy, especially for those under age 45. The movement to understand the origin, function, and value of human emotion is not new (Cannon, Davidson & van Reekum, Dewey, Irons). Although a contemporary understanding recognizes the interrelatedness of thoughts and emotions, historically, the role of emotion in human life was greatly overshadowed by privileging thought over feelings. Yet, over time, emotions like joy, sadness, and anger began to be recognized as adaptive because of their ability to help humans navigate their environment and aid in communication. The expression of emotion “consists of some measurable outward manifestation” and serves a communicative function related to the fulfillment of needs and goals. My research not only take advantage of articles which have same subject. At the same time ı want to look at therapy techniques which include marriage and emotion subject. Therapy techniques at this issue benefit us to provide usefull attitude during research. Sandberg G.J.& Pace M.S.(2012) Vol31, Emotion and family therapy: Exploring female and male clinicians’ attitudes about the use of emotion in therapy. Fewer studies have looked at the role of emotion in therapy, particularly in regard to gender differences among clinicians. In order to better understand the use of emotion in therapy, 221 marriage and family therapists (MFTs) completed self-report questionnaires about emotion as a main component in practicing family therapy Emotion in Family Therapy Questionnaire, see Appendix) and demographic data. Results indicate that both female and male participants had favorable attitudes about emotion. No significant differences existed between men and women in this sample. Of particular interest to this study is the relationship between emotion and gender. Existing studies of emotion and gender draw attention to striking differences in both emotional expression and the experience of emotion. This study important for us because marriage is an institution that have two different gender and gender differences may causes different emotions or different causes. Mehrabian & Albert (1998) Vol124, Correlations of the PAD Emotion scales with self-reported satisfaction in marriage and work article was used to summarize existing data and to investigate emotional correlates of satisfaction-dissatisfaction at work and in marriage. To investigate the emotional correlates of satisfaction-dissatisfaction at work and, separately, in marriage, I designed two studies using the following descriptive framework for the general assessment of emotional reactions. Sanford& Keith (2012) Vol26, The Communication of Emotion During Conflict in Married Couples investigated emotion during interpersonal conflicts between mates. It addressed questions about how clearly couples express emotion (encoding), how accurately they recognize each other's emotion (decoding), and how well they distinguish between types of negative emotion. It was theorized that couples express and perceive both: event-specific emotions, which are unique to particular people on particular occasions, and contextual-couple emotions, which reflect the additive effect of emotions across different events and across both partners. Emotion expression was strongly associated with general levels of contextual-couple emotion summed across two conversations, whereas emotion perception was more closely tied to specific events. Hard emotion was readily perceived when it was overtly expressed, and soft emotion could sometimes be recognized even when it was not expressed clearly. Turner& Stets (2006), “The analysis of emotions can be seen as one of the cutting edges in theoretical work in sociology” states that the study of marriage can be approached using several ways of theorizing about emotions, among the various approached systematically reviewed. Marriage can be analyzed from the point of view of “dramaturgical” theories of human emotions, by emphasizing the type of emotions that have to be experienced and expressed during the process leading to marriage. The new article about The role of emotions in therapeutic interventions designed to assist distressed couples and families requires attention: Debra A.& Madden-Derdich (2002), Vol 34, The Role of Emotions in Marriage and Family Therapy: Past, Present, and Future. The purpose of the current paper is to trace the role that emotions have played in marriage and family therapy interventions both historically and currently.
After a selective review of the background literature, we elaborate our theoretical framework. The important thing is also the interplay of the socio-structural position with emotions in marriage. The management of emotions might be one of the instruments of social interaction such as marriage.
In order to do this experiement thirty person will be participate the study. They will founded through the social networks. The thirty participants aged between twenty and fourty. The mean age will be thirty. The number of female will be thirty because we will aim female effect of sadness on marriage. Fifteen of female are married and fifteen of female are single. The reason for that state we want to compare emotional state prior to marriage and emotional state nuptial to marriage. There will be randomly selected. So our sample is educated, married and single women between the ages of twenty and fourty. It will be not representative sample.
The first set of this study was applied emotion induction. First question contain three faces. First face is sad, second face is neutral and the final face is happy. It measured the participants’s mode when answering the questions at the moment. The second set will be answer the structured questions. This set consists of 25 questions relevant to our research question. They will answer the questions attentively. In this study we will be use sorting task and between subject design. If participant allow, voice recorder will be used during interview.
Psychology labaratory or another quiet areas will be used for these experiments. This research takes 60 minutes approximately. First of all, concent form given the participant. After that participants gave an answer to emotion induction. In order to understand what emotional state at that moment gave us the answer we apply this test. This test consisted of 3 faces which is happy, neutral and sad. Then interviewer ask the standardized questions for all participants. Subsequently, experimenter give a debriefing form. It was explain the aim of the study and says what has been done. Our interview method will be structured interview because of it is narrow, restricted, directive and usually selectional interview. This interview speech occur transitional phrase, verbatim playback and restatement. The research will be pay attention to participants cross-ethnic, cross-cultural, cross-class validity.
To select the location of this research, I found what excites me most of all were the investigation and understanding of problems that I saw around me in the world. Then I realize our society have a lot of problem and they are always sad. Seeing that so many people feel like this feels more. I thought the answers of this questions: Which problems drag people to sadness? How does it affect us this feeling? What characteristics of situations create this sense? And I wanted to show that the interactions of sadness. For the vast majority of the population are married. If our country have so many married and unhappy people, maybe marriage causes people unhappy. I want to examine that the differences between sadness before marriage and after marriage. The responsibilities of being married to man/ woman can prevent people feels certain emotions such as sadness. Or another way to look at marriage people can become more upset by sharing partner’s sadness. When you are married maybe a sense of sadness felt is changing.

1)Üzüntü duygusunu nasıl tanımlarsınız?
2)Sizce üzüntü duygusu iyi midir kötü müdür?
3)Üzüntü birden bire gelen bir duygu mudur?
4)Üzüntünün kötü yanları var mıdır?
5)Üzüntünün iyi yanları var mıdır?
6)Siz ne zaman üzüntü duyarsınız?
7)İnsanlar ne zaman bu duyguyu hissederler?
8)Sizce insanlar neye üzülür?
9)Siz en son neye üzülmüştünüz?
10)En son üzüntü duyduğunuzda bu duygu size kendinizi nasıl hissettirdi?
11)Başkalarının yüzünde bu duygu nasıl gözükür? (Mesela birisi ağlayınca üzgün olduğunu anlarsın, bunun gibi belirtiler olabilir)
12)Üzüntüyü çağrıştıran kelimeler nelerdir?
13)Bu duyguyu hissettiğinizde kendinizi nasıl ifade edersiniz? ( Suratınız asarak gibi )
14)Üzüntü duyduğunuzda kendinizi nasıl telkin edersiniz? ( Yani o duygunun bir an önce geçmesi için hangi yollara başvurursunuz?)
15)Sizin üzüntü duygunuzun sizi hayatınızda nasıl etkilediğini düşünüyorsunuz?
16)Bu duyguyla karşılaştığınızda arkadaşlarınızla ailenizle kısaca çevrenizle paylaşır mısınız?
17)Bu duygunuzu kontrol edebiliyor musunuz? (Üzülmenize rağmen üzülmemek istediğinizde bunu başarabiliyor musunuz?)
18)Bu duygu sizin için sık sık hissettiğiniz bir duygu mudur?
19) En son hissettiğiniz en güçlü duygu neydi?
20)Sizce insanlar en çok hangi duyguyu hissediyor?
21)Sizce üzüntü toplumumuzda sıkça görülen bir duygu mudur? ( Toplumumuz üzgün müdür?)
22) Toplumumuzda her insanın bu duyguyu hissettiğini düşünüyor musunuz?
23) Sizce her insanın bu duyguyu hissetme şekli aynı mıdır?
24) Bu duygu insanlar için gerekli midir?
25)Üzüntü duyduğunuzda biyolojik olarak neler hissettiniz? (Mesela kalp atışlarınız hızlandı mı, ya da elleriniz titredi mi?

Minnotte K.L., Pedersen D.& Mannon S.E. (2010). The emotional terrain of parenting and marriage: Emotion work and marital satisfaction. Pain 47, 747-761.
Ashley K. Randall, Shannon A. Corkery, Duggi D., Kamble S.V.& Butler E. A.(2011). Differences in emotional synchrony in married couples in the United States and India. Pain 4, 222-229.
Randall, A. K., Corkery, S. A., Chiu, B., Bosch, L., & Butler, E. A. (2010). Empathy as a moderator of emotional stability within couples.
White G.L. (2008). Romantic Jealousy: Therapists' Perceptions of Causes, Consequences, and Treatments. Pain 7, 1-7.
Cannon, Davidson, Reekum V., Dewey & Irons. (2005). Understand the origin, function, and value of human emotion.
Sandberg G.J.& Pace M.S.(2012). Emotion and family therapy: Exploring female and male clinicians’ attitudes about the use of emotion in therapy. Pain 31,117-138.
Mehrabian & Albert (1998). Correlations of the PAD Emotion scales with self-reported satisfaction in marriage and work article was used to summarize existing data and to investigate emotional correlates of satisfaction-dissatisfaction at work and in marriage. Pain 124.
Sanford& Keith (2012). The Communication of Emotion During Conflict in Married Couples investigated emotion during interpersonal conflicts between mates. Pain 26, 297-307
Turner& Stets (2006). The analysis of emotions can be seen as one of the cutting edges in theoretical work in sociology. Pain 32, 25-52.
Debra A.& Madden-Derdich (2002). The Role of Emotions in Marriage and Family Therapy: Past, Present, and Future. Pain 34, 165-179.

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