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Doga Kavramı ile İlgili Makaleler, Uzmanlar, Kaynaklar
Doga Kavramı ile İlgili 2 Makale
Dogan OF, Oznur A, Demircin M. Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Ankara, Turkey. ofdogan@hacettepe.edu.tr OBJECTIVES: Various methods for sternal approximation have been described previously. Some patients undergoing these procedures are at risk for sternal dehiscence and mediastinitis. We used a different method, with a suture anchor system, for median sternotomy closure as an alternate technique in patients with a high risk of postoperative sternal dehiscence and sternal nonunion. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Suture anchor systems have been developed principally for the fixation of tendons or ligaments to the bone. We first used the suture anchor s... »»»
Dogan OF, Demircin M, Duman U, Ozsoy F, Acaroglu E. Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. ofdogan@hacettepe.edu.tr OBJECTIVES: Various comparative studies and techniques have been described for median sternotomy closure in the literature, previously. However, some patients are still under risk of sternal dehiscence, malunion or nonunion due to intrinsic or extrinsic factors after median sternotomy closure. Sternal nonunion described as sternal pain, with clicking, instability, or both for more than 3 months in the absence of infection, is an uncommon complication of midline sternotomy incision. To date, only a few studies have add... »»»
Doga Kavramı ile İlgili Uzmanlar
Op.Dr.Hakan GÜNDOĞAN, İstanbul , Plastik Cerrahi - Estetik Cerrah
Doç.Dr.Ömer Faruk DOGAN, Ankara , Kalp ve Damar Cerrahı
doga KAVRAMI ile ilgili uzman ve kaynak isimleri sistemimiz tarafından üyemiz uzmanların paylaştığı içeriklerin (makale, yazı, video vs.) başlıkları, içlerinde geçen anahtar kelimeler vs. kriterlere göre OTOMATİK olarak derlenmektedir. Sistemin otomatik eşleştirmesi bazı durumlarda hatalı olabileceğinden burada listelenen uzmanların doga KAVRAMI ile ilgili olup olmadıklarının kendileri ile iletişime geçilerek teyid edilmesini rica ederiz.
İlgili Kavramlar
