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The Effects Of Happıness Level On Task Persıstence
MAKALE #13643 © Yazan Psk.Derya SOY | Yayın Kasım 2014 | 2,922 Okuyucu


The overall objective of this experiment put forward there is a relationship between happiness level and task persistence process. So the aim of the study investigated that the relation between happiness level and task persistence process. Totaly thirty-eight people participated in this study. However only thirty-four participants results counted. The number of female is twenty-seven and the number of male is seven. Their ages range from nineteen and twenty-three. Participants recruited from community and university. The first set of this study was applied emotion induction and manipulation check to participants. The second set was consisted applied anagram task. They were answered the questions attentively. According to the test, there is no significant result. The results suggest that emotion moods are not affected on task persistence. Our expectations and the test results are not match.
There are many kind of mood in daily life. Anxiety,depression and sadness are the most efflictive moods for human’s behaviours. These emotion affect our responses generally we will. For instance, if person become depressed, he does not want to go outside or eat. Just the opposite, when people become happy they are constantly on the move. The relationship of task persistence and happiness can be examined together. There are many research in this way. One of them are (Zelman,Howland,Nichols & Cleeland,1991) study. The research consist that there are relationship between pain and mood change. Clinical pain strongly influence mood states. It has been suggested that if person’s pain can be diminished, these feeling states may be reduced. The results of this experiment and the experiementer expected results are supported true direct.
The other research we are examined (Vied & Verbaten,2001) contend that attention and pain linked to each other. Positive emotions or positive memories may decrease pain sensivity. Based on that; highest pain tolerance get positive results, less pain tolerance get negative results. The effects of positive and negative distraction tasks measured on the experience of pain. According to this research happiness level increase the task persistence as in previous research.
It is obviously clear that emotional mood is important, while mentioning task persistence. When people feel sad or depressed their responses militated. They can not begin stand to boring activities such as go to work and we’ve always done things begin to interrupt. Another study revealed that (Tsai, Chen, Liu & Hui-Lu,2007) employees' positive mood states relations to task performance. The research investigated that the relationship between employee positive moods and task performance. Experimenters applied two study to insurance sales agencies. When results were summed up, employee’ positive mood effected their work performance positively. However, during the test employee’ other coworker help and supported their research. Probably for that, the results were not clear.
In another experiment on this topic (Murray, Sujan, Hirt, Sujan & Mita, 1990) hypothesizes that positive mood facilitates cognitive flexibility in categorization. There were three study in this experiment. In this 3 study they used sorting task and within subject design. Results of study one, there is a relation between positive mood subjects and other mood subjects. Experimenters stand on similarities among exemplars and more categories when focusing on differences. The second study results are compared with neutral mood subjects, positive mood subjects perceived both similarities and differences between items. A possible mediating factor was used as identified intrinsic interest in the task. The results of this experiement helped us understand the effects of mood on cognitive organization. Our hypothesis suggest that happiness level increased task performance.
In order to do this experiment thirty-eight university students participated the study. They were founded through the social networks. However, four participants were excluded from statistical analysis because of the irregularities in the administration of the anagram task. The available thirty-four participants age range were from 19 to 23 (M=21,05). The number of female was twenty-seven and the number of male was seven. In manipulation check, participants divided into two groups. The half of the participants (experimental group)(N=17) were listened condition A’s neural music, the other half of them (control group)(N=17) were listened to the condition B’s upbeat music.
Music; In this experiement 2 different type of music was used. The first music was The Barber of Sevilla vocalisted by Giachino Rossini defined as A. The condition of this music is happiness. It takes 7.27 seconds. The second music was Vexations by Eric Satie defined as B. The condition of this music is sadness. It takes 2.26. Participants listened to music randomly. They were listened to the music because of the evoke their emotions. Experimenters want to listen to music with his eyes closed and concentrate on. Manipulation check; At the end of the music participants gave an answer to emotion induction. To better understand the causes of the effect of music on emotion induction was added. In manipulation check there are two questions will participants respond. First question contain three different smiling faces. It measured happiness level. Second question included 3 different sad faces. It measured sadness level. At the end of the manipulation check participants cross the anagram task. Anagram task; obtained 5 different word puzzle. Experimenters asked participants to solve this puzzles and tried to find meaningful Turkish word by using each five characters. However, three of this letter group were unsolvable and meaningless. This 5 questions were given to participants are; “TOTKLA “, “ŞGÜNES”, “MEHRMÜ”, “SANDLA”, “SAYUNM”. During the test, researchers measure the time persistance for 3 unmeaningfull word.
Two people experimented with in this research because experimenters should not effect persistence results. Psychology labaratory was used for these experiments. This research takes 30 minutes approximately. First of all concent form given the participant by experimenter 1. After that experimenter 2 opened the choosen song and participant were listen to music. At the end of the music, experimenter 1 bring the manipulation check and wanted to mark the test. Later, experimenter 2 get the anagram task. During this task there is a timer for measure the time out of the labaratory. Timer noted that the participant’s persistence durations. Subsequently, experimenter 1 give a debriefing form. It was explain the aim of the study and says what has been done.

In this research, we want to found that there is a differences between experimental and control group in the results. Mean of experimental group (M=2.41, SD=0.62) was more than the control group (M=1.82, SD=0.64), t(34)=2.12 in happiness level. There were significant differences in the happiness level for 2 condition. In sadness level, there was not significant different means between experimental group (M=1.12, SD=0.33) and the control group (M=1.24, SD=0.44), t(34)=1.18.
In anagram task, we want to found that task persistence’s time. Experiments hoped to found a conclusion that happiness affect task persistence. Our expectations are happy people’s task persistence time should more than sad people’s. The results obtained from data suggested that attendants persistance duration is (M=639,53, SD=335,70). However, condition A’s(N=17) results (M=668.94, SD=315.87) and condition B’s (N=17) results (M=610.12, SD=361.69) were not very different.
Experiments hoped to found a conclusion that happiness affect task persistence. Happiness level of ANOVA results were F(1,32)=7.48 and p01<.05 significant however sadness level of Anova results were F(1,32)=7.48, p384>.05 not significant. Because while sadness level for Vexation is (M=1,24, SD=,44) sadness level for Seville is(M=1,12, SD=,33). Our hypothesis suggest that when happiness is increased, task persistence also increases. Our task ANOVA result of persistence’s time was not significant F(1,32)=0.26 and p>.05.

The results of this study shows that there is no significant relationship between happiness level and task persistence level. Our expectations did not find their value. Because of this previous experiments of same subject results are not same our results. Our hypothesis were not supported because of many reasons. Reasons thay may give; time was less, there were a limited number of participants, male female ratio was not appropriated, laboratory environment was not quiet enough for concentrate, experimenters did not have enough experience and participants level of education was not the same. The music which was upbeat affected participants in a positive way. The music which was neural did not have an any effect on participants. Despite that participants who listened the upbeat music did not show long persistence on anagram task. The hypothesis was disproved happiness did not constitute significant effect on task persistence level.
If we want to do this research again, there are points we should pay attention to.We need to look at the reasons why we cannot reach the desired results. For start, we should give much more time instead of thirty minutes. We should work more participants. We should pay attention to proportion of male and female, it will be equal .The labaratory should be more professional and better materials should be used.The final suggestion ı can recommend is we should be used a person who have done this experiement many times before as an experimenter for this study.

Zelman, D.C., Howland, E.W., Nichols S.N. & Cleeland C.S. (1991). The effects of induced mood on laboratory pain. Pain 1991,6: 105-111.
Wied, M.D., Verbaten & M.N. (2001). Affective pictures processing,attention and pain tolerance. Pain 2001,90: 163-172.
Tsai, Wei-Chi;Chen, Chien-Cheng;Liu & Hui-Lu. (2007). Test of a model linking employee positive moods and task performance. Pain 2007,90: 1570-1583.
Murray, Noel;Sujan, Harish;Hirt, Edward R.;Sujan & Mita (1990). The influence of mood on categorization: A cognitive flexibility interpretation. Pain 1990,59: 411-425.
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