2007'den Bugüne 92,717 Tavsiye, 28,302 Uzman ve 20,050 Bilimsel Makale
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Attention Deficit
Attention Deficit Kavramı ile İlgili Makaleler, Uzmanlar, Kaynaklar
Attention Deficit Kavramı ile İlgili 5 Makale
Abstract Background: A pilot study was performed to examine the relationship between metacognitive awareness and executive functions in children with attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Methods: Children who were diagnosed with ADHD and were treatment naïve were consecutively included in the study. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- Revised (WISC-R) and the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory for Children (Jr. MAI)-A and B forms were used. The participants’ teachers and parents completed the Behavioral Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) and Conners’ Rating Scale (CRS) forms. Results: This study included 45 children with ADHD (51.1% boys) with a mean age of ... »»»
Abstract The aim of this study is to compare the video game addiction levels and habit of playing computer games between children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and healthy children. The study group consisted of 100 children aged between 10 and 13 years who were diagnosed with ADHD and who applied to the psychiatry clinic in the province of Istanbul. The control group consisted of 100 healthy children between the ages of 10 and 13 years with no psychiatric diagnoses and were matched with the study group in terms of sociodemographic characteristics. The Personal Information Questionnaire and the Computer Game Addiction Scale for Children (CGASC) were applied to the parti... »»»
Abstract This study aimed to assess the prevalence of bipolar disorder (BPD) in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and to compare the clinical characteristics of a group with ADHD with a group with co-morbidity of ADHD and BPD. The study includes 121 individuals, aged 616 years, with a diagnosis of ADHD. Comorbidity of BPD was evaluated using the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-age Children- Present and Lifetime version (K-SADS-PL) and the Parent-Young Mania Rating Scale (P-YMRS). The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) was used to assess psychopathology in two groups. Ten children (8.3%) in the ADHD sample received the a... »»»
Attention Deficit Kavramı ile İlgili Uzmanlar
Erdi KANBAŞ, İstanbul
Dr.Melek Gözde LUŞ, İstanbul , Psikiyatrist
attention deficit KAVRAMI ile ilgili uzman ve kaynak isimleri sistemimiz tarafından üyemiz uzmanların paylaştığı içeriklerin (makale, yazı, video vs.) başlıkları, içlerinde geçen anahtar kelimeler vs. kriterlere göre OTOMATİK olarak derlenmektedir. Sistemin otomatik eşleştirmesi bazı durumlarda hatalı olabileceğinden burada listelenen uzmanların attention deficit KAVRAMI ile ilgili olup olmadıklarının kendileri ile iletişime geçilerek teyid edilmesini rica ederiz.
İlgili Kavramlar
