Corporal Punıshment
Corporal punishment is physical force applied by the people beating each other knowingly and willingly. Families that are used as a method of punishment. Corporal punishment is that the use of physical coerces with the intention of causing a child to suffer pain. It including intent and premeditation. Sometimes the aim may be correcting and controlling the child’s misbehavior. The corporal punishment has many negative effects on humans. To illustrate, depression, suicide, alcohol use, child abuse and wife abuse. Child’s future way of life will be affected negatively because of corporal punishment. (Flynn’s, 1998; Ludwig R.L. & Nocton A. J., 2008) In accordance with this research male children will receive more punishment than female children. Furthermore, when a child’s infractions cause harm to themselves or others, they will receive more punishment than if their infractions reflect general disrespect. (Deckard&Dodge, 2009) This research indicated that there is a relationship between harsh physical discipline and child aggression and conduct problems, a likely causal mechanism that probably operates as a shared environmental factor. (Catron T.F & Masters J.C., 2008) This article demonstrated that mothers discriminated among different types of transgressions as a function of rule contingency, rule generalizability, and seriousness of the transgression. (Straus M.A.& Stewart J.H, 1999). The findings revealed that corporal punishment was more prevalent among African American and low socioeconomic status parents, in the South, for boys, and by mothers. (Xing, Wang X. & Meifang, 2013) This study provided that the important role of severity of corporal punishment and child sex in understanding the relations between parental corporal punishment and child internalizing problem behavior. Also gender has an important effect on corporal punishment in China.
The overall objective of this experiment put forward there is a relationship between corporal punishment and gender. One of the variables defined as ‘corporal punishment’ and the other variable defined as ‘gender’. The variables can be examined separately. The previous studies results and our hypothesis are in the same direction. The analysis revealed that there will be a relationship between corporal punishment and gender.
In this paper, we will examine five different articles to analyze our variables which is gender and corporal punishment. 5 research were raised and 1 hypothesis formulated. It is made of 5section. The first instrument for the data collection investigated that the effect of gender on parental attitudes toward child punishment. The second study comprised that explored a relationship between harsh physical discipline and child agression and conduct problems. This situation occurs probably influenced by environmental factors. Third study explored acceptability of corporal punishment as a function of the type of transgression and discipline style for preschool children and their mothers. The fourth study looked at the gender differences perspective of reciprocal relations between parental aggression and child externalizing problem behavior in China. The fifth and final study measured that corporal punishment by American parents taking into account the severity, duration, prevalence and chronicity.
A research examined that percentage of harsh verbal and physical discipline which is differ by gender of parent and child. Studies on this research showed that boys received more harsh verbal and physical discipline than girls, with fathers utilizing more harsh physical discipline with boys than did mothers. (Ludwig& Nocton, 2008) The results showed that female participants used verbal reprimand significantly more than males, but males used spanking significantly more than females. These findings support the idea that there is a relationship between child punishment and gender. However, the important situation is skipping which is different treatment of corporal punishment. Boys were punished more than girls but only in terms of beating. Maybe girls were see more violence which is emotional violence (threat) or psychological violence. They should not think that only specific types of violence and not look generalized corporal punishment behavior.
The second previous research related to our research measured that externalizing behavior problems and discipline revisited. Further, it considers the factors that influence undirectly like culture, context and gender. (Deckard K.D. & Dodge K.A., 2009). Researchers predicted that there were gender, culture and context differences in evaluations. Researchers have 4 different hypothesis which is, there is a relation between discipline and child aggression, parental discipline effects on children vary according to the context and the discipline effect is maximized in same-gender parent-child dyads. Cultural differences also exist in this study. Results of the study support these hypotheses. The final hypothesis which is same gender parent child effects may explain Freud oedipal complex theory. We think that it may be related this issue.
The aim of the third study investigated preschool and fifth grade children and their mothers discriminated among different types of transgressions as a function of rule contingency, rule generalizability, and seriousness of the transgression. (Catron T.F & Masters J.C., 2008). Findings suggest that preschool children easier to accept the corporal punishment than fifth grade children. They think that their mothers behavior is more generable than fathers. Fifth grade students will discriminate the punishment styles because of that they know the limits of punishment in their school.
The fourth study looked at corporal punishment in American parents. It revealed that specific area for corporal punishment. The other factors examined in this study such as prevalence, chronicity, severity and duration. It changes according to child and family characteristics. (Straus M.A.& Stewart J.H., 1999). Studies on this research finding showed that American parents use corporal punishment to their teenage children six times during the year. The corporal punishment styles were founded, slaps on the hand or leg, spanking on the buttocks, pinching, shaking, hitting on the buttocks with a belt or paddle, and slapping in the face. Corporal punishment was common among African American and low socioeconomic status parents, in the South, for boys, and by mothers.
Researchers in final study provided that there is a gender differences in the opposed relationships between parental physical aggression and children’s externalizing problem behavior. As other research, they examine specific area which is China. (Xing X., Wang M., Zhang Q., He X. & Zhang W., 2011). The analysis revealed that both mild and severe corporal punishment appeared girls internalizing behavior. So child externalizing problem behavior is more occur girls than boys. Severe corporal punishment occured boys internalizing behavior not significantly. Boys' internalizing behavior revealed mild and severe corporal punishment. So severe corporal punishment and physical abuse consisted in boys more than girls. Furthermore, girls were less likely to experience parental severe corporal punishment than boys. There were some differences in the nature of the relations between boys and girls. In brief, findings showed that child externalizing behavior show differences for boys and girls in China.
Studies on this research aim and findings show that the use of corporal punishment is general behavior among parents. The results of this study shows that there is a significant relationship between gender both parents and child and corporal punishment. Our expectations will find their value. So the findings that parallel with general view. Previous experiments of same subject results are same our results in generally. Evaluation of which parents use more corporal punishment may change according to gender of children who reported the corporal punishment. Fathers used more corporal punishment than mothers did according to boys whereas girls. However, our results did not correspond to the results of some article. One of them indicated that fathers are not use more corporal punishment than mothers. Both parents use corporal punishment on their child. These findings are discussed in relation to kind of corporal punishment and proximity. Maybe mother use not physically but verbally violent behavior on child and this situation may be more affected than father’s beating the child. They should not only consider the physical violence. There are a lot of types of violence by parents. Another variable to consider in is proximity. Mothers spend more time with their children at home. They are close to their child more than fathers. Conditions to be angry will be more because of spent more time. However, the results shows just the opposite. We developed another explanation in this rates. Girls have more vulnerable structure than boys because of that they will be beaten lighter. In addition, boys do more serious mischiefs than girls so it requires more physical discipline than girls. According to this research findings and previous studies on this research indicated that the frequency of corporal punishment on boys are higher than girls. It may occurs due to these reasons.
Ludwig R.L. & Nocton A. J. (2008). Effects of Gender on Parental Attitudes toward Punishment of Children. Hanover College. 363.
Deckard K.D. & Dodge K.A. (2009). Externalizing Behavior Problems and Discipline Revisited: Nonlinear Effects and Variation by Culture, Context, and Gender. An International Journal for the Advancement of Psychological Theory.8.161-175.
Catron T.F & Masters J.C. (2008). Mothers' and Children's Conceptualizations of Corporal Punishment. Child Development. 64. 1815–1828.
Straus M.A.& Stewart J.H. (1999). Corporal Punishment by American Parents: National Data on Prevalence, Chronicity, Severity, and Duration, in Relation to Child and Family Characteristics. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review. 2.2.
Xing X., Wang M., Zhang Q., He X. & Zhang W. (2011). Gender Differences in the Reciprocal Relationships Between Parental Physical Aggression and Children's Externalizing Problem Behavior in China. Journal of Family Psychology. 25. 699-708.
Corporal punishment is physical force applied by the people beating each other knowingly and willingly. Families that are used as a method of punishment. Corporal punishment is that the use of physical coerces with the intention of causing a child to suffer pain. It including intent and premeditation. Sometimes the aim may be correcting and controlling the child’s misbehavior. The corporal punishment has many negative effects on humans. To illustrate, depression, suicide, alcohol use, child abuse and wife abuse. Child’s future way of life will be affected negatively because of corporal punishment. (Flynn’s, 1998; Ludwig R.L. & Nocton A. J., 2008) In accordance with this research male children will receive more punishment than female children. Furthermore, when a child’s infractions cause harm to themselves or others, they will receive more punishment than if their infractions reflect general disrespect. (Deckard&Dodge, 2009) This research indicated that there is a relationship between harsh physical discipline and child aggression and conduct problems, a likely causal mechanism that probably operates as a shared environmental factor. (Catron T.F & Masters J.C., 2008) This article demonstrated that mothers discriminated among different types of transgressions as a function of rule contingency, rule generalizability, and seriousness of the transgression. (Straus M.A.& Stewart J.H, 1999). The findings revealed that corporal punishment was more prevalent among African American and low socioeconomic status parents, in the South, for boys, and by mothers. (Xing, Wang X. & Meifang, 2013) This study provided that the important role of severity of corporal punishment and child sex in understanding the relations between parental corporal punishment and child internalizing problem behavior. Also gender has an important effect on corporal punishment in China.
The overall objective of this experiment put forward there is a relationship between corporal punishment and gender. One of the variables defined as ‘corporal punishment’ and the other variable defined as ‘gender’. The variables can be examined separately. The previous studies results and our hypothesis are in the same direction. The analysis revealed that there will be a relationship between corporal punishment and gender.
In this paper, we will examine five different articles to analyze our variables which is gender and corporal punishment. 5 research were raised and 1 hypothesis formulated. It is made of 5section. The first instrument for the data collection investigated that the effect of gender on parental attitudes toward child punishment. The second study comprised that explored a relationship between harsh physical discipline and child agression and conduct problems. This situation occurs probably influenced by environmental factors. Third study explored acceptability of corporal punishment as a function of the type of transgression and discipline style for preschool children and their mothers. The fourth study looked at the gender differences perspective of reciprocal relations between parental aggression and child externalizing problem behavior in China. The fifth and final study measured that corporal punishment by American parents taking into account the severity, duration, prevalence and chronicity.
A research examined that percentage of harsh verbal and physical discipline which is differ by gender of parent and child. Studies on this research showed that boys received more harsh verbal and physical discipline than girls, with fathers utilizing more harsh physical discipline with boys than did mothers. (Ludwig& Nocton, 2008) The results showed that female participants used verbal reprimand significantly more than males, but males used spanking significantly more than females. These findings support the idea that there is a relationship between child punishment and gender. However, the important situation is skipping which is different treatment of corporal punishment. Boys were punished more than girls but only in terms of beating. Maybe girls were see more violence which is emotional violence (threat) or psychological violence. They should not think that only specific types of violence and not look generalized corporal punishment behavior.
The second previous research related to our research measured that externalizing behavior problems and discipline revisited. Further, it considers the factors that influence undirectly like culture, context and gender. (Deckard K.D. & Dodge K.A., 2009). Researchers predicted that there were gender, culture and context differences in evaluations. Researchers have 4 different hypothesis which is, there is a relation between discipline and child aggression, parental discipline effects on children vary according to the context and the discipline effect is maximized in same-gender parent-child dyads. Cultural differences also exist in this study. Results of the study support these hypotheses. The final hypothesis which is same gender parent child effects may explain Freud oedipal complex theory. We think that it may be related this issue.
The aim of the third study investigated preschool and fifth grade children and their mothers discriminated among different types of transgressions as a function of rule contingency, rule generalizability, and seriousness of the transgression. (Catron T.F & Masters J.C., 2008). Findings suggest that preschool children easier to accept the corporal punishment than fifth grade children. They think that their mothers behavior is more generable than fathers. Fifth grade students will discriminate the punishment styles because of that they know the limits of punishment in their school.
The fourth study looked at corporal punishment in American parents. It revealed that specific area for corporal punishment. The other factors examined in this study such as prevalence, chronicity, severity and duration. It changes according to child and family characteristics. (Straus M.A.& Stewart J.H., 1999). Studies on this research finding showed that American parents use corporal punishment to their teenage children six times during the year. The corporal punishment styles were founded, slaps on the hand or leg, spanking on the buttocks, pinching, shaking, hitting on the buttocks with a belt or paddle, and slapping in the face. Corporal punishment was common among African American and low socioeconomic status parents, in the South, for boys, and by mothers.
Researchers in final study provided that there is a gender differences in the opposed relationships between parental physical aggression and children’s externalizing problem behavior. As other research, they examine specific area which is China. (Xing X., Wang M., Zhang Q., He X. & Zhang W., 2011). The analysis revealed that both mild and severe corporal punishment appeared girls internalizing behavior. So child externalizing problem behavior is more occur girls than boys. Severe corporal punishment occured boys internalizing behavior not significantly. Boys' internalizing behavior revealed mild and severe corporal punishment. So severe corporal punishment and physical abuse consisted in boys more than girls. Furthermore, girls were less likely to experience parental severe corporal punishment than boys. There were some differences in the nature of the relations between boys and girls. In brief, findings showed that child externalizing behavior show differences for boys and girls in China.
Studies on this research aim and findings show that the use of corporal punishment is general behavior among parents. The results of this study shows that there is a significant relationship between gender both parents and child and corporal punishment. Our expectations will find their value. So the findings that parallel with general view. Previous experiments of same subject results are same our results in generally. Evaluation of which parents use more corporal punishment may change according to gender of children who reported the corporal punishment. Fathers used more corporal punishment than mothers did according to boys whereas girls. However, our results did not correspond to the results of some article. One of them indicated that fathers are not use more corporal punishment than mothers. Both parents use corporal punishment on their child. These findings are discussed in relation to kind of corporal punishment and proximity. Maybe mother use not physically but verbally violent behavior on child and this situation may be more affected than father’s beating the child. They should not only consider the physical violence. There are a lot of types of violence by parents. Another variable to consider in is proximity. Mothers spend more time with their children at home. They are close to their child more than fathers. Conditions to be angry will be more because of spent more time. However, the results shows just the opposite. We developed another explanation in this rates. Girls have more vulnerable structure than boys because of that they will be beaten lighter. In addition, boys do more serious mischiefs than girls so it requires more physical discipline than girls. According to this research findings and previous studies on this research indicated that the frequency of corporal punishment on boys are higher than girls. It may occurs due to these reasons.
Ludwig R.L. & Nocton A. J. (2008). Effects of Gender on Parental Attitudes toward Punishment of Children. Hanover College. 363.
Deckard K.D. & Dodge K.A. (2009). Externalizing Behavior Problems and Discipline Revisited: Nonlinear Effects and Variation by Culture, Context, and Gender. An International Journal for the Advancement of Psychological Theory.8.161-175.
Catron T.F & Masters J.C. (2008). Mothers' and Children's Conceptualizations of Corporal Punishment. Child Development. 64. 1815–1828.
Straus M.A.& Stewart J.H. (1999). Corporal Punishment by American Parents: National Data on Prevalence, Chronicity, Severity, and Duration, in Relation to Child and Family Characteristics. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review. 2.2.
Xing X., Wang M., Zhang Q., He X. & Zhang W. (2011). Gender Differences in the Reciprocal Relationships Between Parental Physical Aggression and Children's Externalizing Problem Behavior in China. Journal of Family Psychology. 25. 699-708.
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