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Milk Teeth And Their Development
MAKALE #14333 © Yazan Dt.Güzin KIRSAÇLIOĞLU | Yayın Mart 2015 | 2,495 Okuyucu
On their first birthday, your baby’s first 6 teeth have erupted. The first central incisors become visible in the first 6 months. Their lateral incisors are visible by month 8. Four posterior molars erupt between months 10-14, canines in months 16-20 and finally, the posterior big molar teeth erupt between months 24-30.
The eruption of milk teeth begins in month 6, continuing until month 9. Though, for some children, these rules do not apply. Unlike other babies, these babies have their eruption 2 months earlier, or 2 months later.
In addition, although rarely, some children are born with few teeth erupted. These teeth are sometimes actual milk teeth. However, they may also be calcified blossoms without roots. If they obstruct breast feeding, they have to be pulled out.

The symptoms of teeth eruption do not affect the systemic status of your children. Yet, while they have erupting teeth, your baby grabs the closest object and tries to relieve the itch where a tooth is erupting.
It is nearly impossible to inhibit their need to relax with anything they can find. Sometimes, they are not interested in the chew toys and grab whatever they can instead, inviting microorganisms into play. This causes diseases.
Symptoms like fever, diarrhea and vomitting mostly occur as a result of side infections. Hence, you should not ignore fever or diarrhea, believing that they are just the symptoms of tooth eruption.
Generally, the central incisors erupt out of the blue. Molar teeth and canine teeth, which are bigger, cause tremendous pain during eruption.
One or more symptoms below are to be expected during eruption:
* Fever of 38-39 degrees (Celsius).
* Crankiness, anger and sleeplessness.
* Red and puffy gums.
* Loss of appetite, increase in saliva.
* Loud cries for no reason.
* Red cheeks, runny nose.
* Ear tugging.
* Foods that may help relieve the discomfort such as crackers, little apples, little cucumbers may be given to the baby. As your baby may lose their appetite, you may prepare crackers out of different flours for them.
* You may use refrigerate-able chew toys. Those with gel fillings relieve their teeth without irritating them. You may hand the chew toy clean and directly to them, without dipping the toy into sweeteners like honey or jam.
* There will be a constant flow of saliva. If you continuously clean the mouth and the chin of your baby, you might irritate their skin. You may use protective cream against such irritations.
* The flow of saliva wets your baby’s chest. Some babies reject aprons. You could tie the apron laterally, with the cottony surface against their skin to keep their chest dry.
* To help your baby eat their food comfortably, especially during the eruption of their molar teeth, use a clean finger to spread some eruption gel with little, circular motions before a meal. Sometimes, your baby may not be willing to have you spreading the gel. Sometimes, painkillers with parasetamol content may help before bed.
* When your baby is throwing a tantrum, when the baby is being hard on themselves, sometimes the best thing to do is to hug them tight. A song or a lullaby by you will relieve the baby. Try to provide a dim and a silent environment for them. Just like when everything may be upsetting you while you are in pain, your baby has a right to calm down and have access to a calmer environment.
* There may be purple spots, called eruption cysts, where a tooth is expected to erupt. The spots look like a bruise on our arms after a household accident. They delay tooth eruption, so a surgical procedure may be required. Though, have no fear – it is just a tiny incision at the top of the eruption spot.
Good nutrition and the calcium intake of an expecting mother affects the dental structure of her children.
For babies that are breast fed for the first 6 months, there is no risk of tooth decay, the baby does not even have teeth.
When the baby transitions into supplementary foods, there will be a risk of tooth decay. This is why natural sweeteners, rather than artificial ones, should be used in such supplementary foods.
You should avoid sugar if possible and SHOULD NOT ADD SUGAR, JAM, HONEY OR BISCUITS INTO THE FEEDER.
If a pacifier is used, the pacifier should be kept clean at all times. It should not be dipped into honey or jam and regularly be washed in hot water.
Your baby’s teeth, mouth and cheeks should be cleaned with a gauze bandage. Naturally, there are no microorganisms that cause decay inside your baby’s mouth. Though, if anything that has come to contact with the mouths of parents or siblings enter your baby’s mouth, microorganisms will be transmitted easily.
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